Sunday, January 29, 2017

My dream

  My dream is to take care of my mom. I can do that in many ways. By fulfilling my dream, I'm going to have to get through school first. In order to take of my mom I have to maintain good grades and do good thought my course of school. Also, I can't let the negatively energy around distract me from my goal. I have to stay focus and maintain the path.
  My mom always told me as long as I keep God first I can do anything I want. I never realized how true that was until I got older. When I started getting closer to God I realized I really can do anything in life. That's when I decided I wanted to take care of my mom. What I mean by that is less money problems, less stress,and be able to give her things that she desire as she do for me while I am growing up. I have to focus on the dream and block out anything the devil sends my way. This is my dream and this is how I will reach it.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Blog Post Assignment 1

My name is Charles and I'm going to tell you about my hobbies, academic goals, and career goals. Also, I will be including a brief paragraph about Martin Luther King Jr.
   My hobbies are running and watching television. I enjoy running, because it takes me away from people for awhile. Watching television helps me relax. Also, I wish to make All A's this semester. It won't be easy but I believe I can do it. In the long run, I just want to take care of my mother and be my own of a company. I know it will be a long process but I am willing to go through it .
  Martin Luther King's dream has not been achieved. The reason I feel this way is because there's still so much hate and racism in the world. Such as the police brutality against blacks. Until we all understand each other then there will be true peace. As long as we have people teaching kids to discriminate against someone's color we will always have violence . This how I feel about Dr. Martin Luther Kings Jr. dream.