Sunday, January 29, 2017

My dream

  My dream is to take care of my mom. I can do that in many ways. By fulfilling my dream, I'm going to have to get through school first. In order to take of my mom I have to maintain good grades and do good thought my course of school. Also, I can't let the negatively energy around distract me from my goal. I have to stay focus and maintain the path.
  My mom always told me as long as I keep God first I can do anything I want. I never realized how true that was until I got older. When I started getting closer to God I realized I really can do anything in life. That's when I decided I wanted to take care of my mom. What I mean by that is less money problems, less stress,and be able to give her things that she desire as she do for me while I am growing up. I have to focus on the dream and block out anything the devil sends my way. This is my dream and this is how I will reach it.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great dream! Keep God first and you will be able to do anything!
