Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Topic 1: Burrage 2

   The quote, "We black men have failed to protect our women since the time and slavery. We stay here in the south and are broken, or we run away and leave them alone to book after the children and themselves, " come from chapter 21 and was spoken from Grant. This quote represents the effect of slavery. The effect of slavery doesn't just effect this time period, but anything a little before or after this time period. Even though slavery ended that doesn't mean racism did. That's one problem that occurred in the story. In the book, the end of slavery made it hard for blacks in the south to find work or to get what supplies they need. This was not only in the south, but hard for blacks anywhere. Some black people couldn't take care of the family because of the skin of their color. That's one of the reasons that Jefferson ended in the situation he was in. He was judged at the scene by his color of his skin. He didn't have a chance to give an explanation. There can be no slavery, but as long as racism is alive there will always be a problem with the color of your skin. Not only for blacks, but could be a problem for whites, too.
   "Do I know how a man supposed to die?  Am I supposed to tell someone how to die who has never lived?" This quote is from chapter 4 and was spoken from Grant Wiggins. Also, this quote is represented for what's going on throughout the book. It is showing that Grant does not know what to do to help Jefferson become a man. Grant also thinks doing this doesn't matter. It won't change the fact that Jefferson is going to die. With the struggle of doing that, Grant sometimes takes his frustration out on the students at the school or church.Not to mention his trouble with his love life. This quote represents the frustration and struggle he's going through. He asks for help so he can learn and be able to teach Jefferson the qualities of being a man.

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