Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Topic 1: Burrage 3

   I chose topic one because I understand where Wiggins is coming from. Grant is frustrated from the problems that are occurring in his life. Grant Wiggins was having problems with his relationship with Vivian. Also, he was frustrated with the situation with Jefferson because Grant doesn't know how to teach a grown man how to be a man. Grant was getting so frustrated that he started taking his anger out on the kids at the church or school.
   Throughout the story, Grant and Vivian was setting up meetings to see each other. They have to keep their love life a secret, because Vivian is still married. Grant loves Vivian and Vivian loves Grant. Because of the love they have for each other, they sneak and do these things so there can be a future for them. The divorce will lead to them moving and starring a life with each other. The problem that Grant has with Jefferson is that he doesn't know how to teach a man how to be a man. Grant asks people to help him understand. Also, Jefferson is giving him a difficult time. Jefferson starts to think Grant and Miss Emma is doing the same thing. That's why he doesn't eat their food either. With his relationship problems with Vivian and his frustration and anger out on the kids at the church or school. When he arrives at the church one day he comes upset. This little girl was, standing in in class and he yells at her to sit down. He doesn't have faith in God, but he still teaches the children the rules of him. He was being disrespectful to the kids. Grant anger causes him to disrupt the class.

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